Anna Lee

Anna Lee

What is your vision for Knoxville 10 years from now?

10 years from now, I hope to see Knoxville growing as a hub of innovation, recreation, and education that seeks the thriving and participation of all its citizens.

What are you reading that is on your nightstand?

The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby & Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull

What is your favorite Knoxville memory?

In 2017, I was a part of the first Justice Knox Action Assembly that brought together people from various faith traditions and all walks of life to work together on solving community issues of injustice. Justice Knox continues to lead change through a group of diverse and committed community members.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor, and who was that mentor?

“If you haven’t failed at something lately, you have not tried nearly enough new things.”- Rev. Steve Sallee

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

Don’t be afraid to take a risk and step out of your comfort zone! The most important lessons you will learn will come from areas of discomfort.

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