Evetty Satterfield

Evetty Satterfield

What is your vision for Knoxville 10 years from now?

In 2030 and beyond, I want Knoxville stakeholders actively working to dismantle education and economic disparities throughout Knox County. I want to live in a Knoxville where real estate agents recommend houses throughout the county because each community has its equitable offerings. Ten years from now, I want businesses excited to move to Knoxville because of our stellar education system and our economic viability.

What are you reading that is on your nightstand?

Eloquent Rage by Brittney Copper; Hustle Harder, Work Smarter by Curtis Jackson

What is your favorite Knoxville memory?

One of my favorite Knoxville memories is attending the Kuumba Festival in the 2000s. It was a celebration of African heritage and culture. It was an opportunity for Black Knoxville to enjoy culturally relevant entertainment in our backyard.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor, and who was that mentor?

Be Bold. Be Brave. Dorothy Brice, Austin-East Band Director 1999-2016
Strive for excellence; when you do, the only competition you have to worry about is yourself.
Valerie Patton, Senior Vice President – Inclusion and Talent Attraction and Executive Direct, St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative, St. Louis Regional Chamber

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

There will be people in your life who will guide you along the journey, soak up all their wisdom. Develop your relationship with Christ, and never stop believing in what God can do. Cultivate your relationships; your friendships will be pivotal as you go through life. Everything you need is within you. Keep shining. Keep smiling. Keep grinding. It gets GOOD!

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