Wynne Caffey-Knight

Wynne Caffey-Knight

What is your vision for Knoxville 10 years from now?

Thriving creative businesses will draw diverse visitors and residents, increasing our cultural infusion. We will also have greatly reduced the addiction epidemic causing immeasurable damage to those caught in that vicious cycle, their loved ones, their employers, and our communities.

What are you reading that is on your nightstand?

The Story Teller’s Secret; India After Ghandi; Getting Things Done; Eat That Frog

What is your favorite Knoxville memory?

Singing in my high school choir to President Reagan at the opening of the World’s Fair, and who can forget watching the UT students carry the goal post down a packed Cumberland Avenue after the Volunteers beat Alabama five months later. 1982 was a great year.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor, and who was that mentor?

The managing partner in my second year of practice told me not to fire off a letter to someone I perceived had wronged me. He said, “pick up the phone and call them.” I learned to pause, reflect and address problems more directly without damaging relationships.

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

Be kinder, travel, worry less, be open to change. Recognize and voice your value. Develop professional and community relationships. Share in service opportunities, because you are needed and its satisfying. Slow down, be in the moment, and pay real attention to who is with you. Accept joy.

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